Terms and Conditions
Legal Disclaimer
1. Usage of this Website
a) This website and its contents are subject to copyright and protected by the laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties. All rights are reserved to Modwood and its related bodies corporate (collectively "ModWood").
b) You may store on your computer, and print copies of, the contents of this website for your personal, non-commercial use. Otherwise, you may not reproduce, transfer, adapt, amend or store any of the contents of this website, or incorporate any part of this website into another website, without the written consent of Modwood.
c) Downloading of information from this website is done so at your own risk. ModWood does not provide any warranty in respect of downloading, and ModWood strongly recommends that you check downloaded files and information with virus detection software.
2.Third Party Websites
As a convenience, ModWood provides links to other websites from this website. If you follow the links you will depart this website, and you do so at your own risk. Except as specifically stated on this website, ModWood makes no warranty or representation regarding, nor does it endorse, any linked websites or the contents thereof.
3. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
a) ModWood has used all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this website, but takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions therein. ModWood makes no representations or warranties (including as to merchantability and fitness for purpose) about the content or suitability for any purpose of the contents of this website, nor about the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the contents of this website.
b) To the extent permitted by law, ModWood will not be liable in any way for any loss or damage (including loss of use, data or profits) suffered by you through use or access to this website, or ModWood's failure to provide this website. ModWood's liability for negligence, breach of contract or contravention of any law under or in connection with this website, or Modwood's failure to provide this website or part of it, is limited to the supplying of the relevant goods or services again, as ModWood may choose.
4. Changes to these Terms of Use and Termination
a) ModWood reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use from time to time, and you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use as amended. ModWood will give you notice of these changes by publishing revised Terms of Use on this website. You will not be separately notified of these changes.
b) If you breach any of these Terms of Use, ModWood may suspend, terminate or limit your access to this website.
5. International Users and Applicable Law
ModWood makes no representation that this website and usage of this website complies with the laws of any jurisdiction outside of Australia. Any disputes about this website or its contents will be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia and determined by courts having jurisdiction there.
6. Linking
If you wish to link to this website, please email us
7. Privacy Policy
In keeping with our Value of Respect, ModWood recognises the importance of the privacy of individuals who have dealings with ModWood, such as customers, suppliers and employees. The Company is bound by the National Privacy Principles, to the extent required by the Privacy Act 1988. This policy outlines how ModWood Limited and its Australian subsidiaries (ModWood) collect, use and manage personal information.