Home Owners
As a Home Owner you've got several things to consider when you invest in improving your property: Looks; value for money; usability; safety; no hassles, and environmental factors are all important. So when you're looking at putting in a deck, or screening off an area for privacy, it will pay to consider the impacts of your choice over the long term. No doubt you want it to look great and stay that way.

Save Time & Money
Are you thinking timber? Stop and think about all that maintenance you'll be doing again and again and again. Maintenance is a chore and over time the costs really stack up. Check out our Maintenance Calculator and you'll see how fast. The materials aren't cheap. So ModWood is better value than timber over time. And of course maintenance takes away your time. Would you rather be enjoying those lovely sunny days or toiling away sanding, sealing, and painting? Of course you could always hunt around for a tradesman and pay them even more to do it for you. Or you could make life easy by choosing ModWood and save yourself a pile of time and money into the bargain.
No Worries
With ModWood's 10 Year Residential Warranty you have nothing to worry about. Even though its made from timber, ModWood doesn't need preservative coatings to keep looking great, Now that's easy for you and easy for the environment. ModWood is safe in other ways too. It won't splinter, so bare feet are no problem.
Made from recycled materials, available in three natural colours, great looks, a long life with no painting or staining. Add it all up and ModWood really is the easy alternative.