Water stain marks can show on ModWood boards. We have seen two types of water stains; both of which will generally disappear with exposure to a reasonable soaking of rain and general weathering; they can be cleaned fairly quickly with water-diluted Aqualis Composite Bright:
- Water stains from wood tannins will occur in the early life of your deck as the natural tannins come out of the wood fibres at the surface of the ModWood. This will happen in the early weeks of your deck, and will depend on how exposed to the elements your deck is before the weathering process is complete.
- Water stains from water pooling or dripping can happen on ModWood just like it can with many other materials/surfaces such as timber flooring, glass, laminated tables etc. The visibility of the stain will be governed by factors such as how dirty the deck is and how quickly the water dries from the water pooling, clean as mentioned above.
A wash with Aqualis Composite Bright often assists in eliminating such marks and for those areas where water stain marks are an ongoing issue it should be possible to apply the Aqualis Composite Sealer to minimise the effect of water stain marks.