ModWood is the perfect choice for anything from a private patio in Melbourne to large-scale commercial fencing in Sydney and Australia.
Good design choices artfully balance function and form. Now ModWood wood composite products provide you with a means to stabilise it. Through the application of advanced technology and recycling, ModWood means you no longer have to sacrifice style for substance, or the environment for eye-catching designs. Instead, you reap the benefits of long-life contemporary colour-ways and profiles that retain their designer’s intent for years, with virtually no maintenance.
With a natural timber finish and clean straight lines, ModWood gives you the design qualities you and your clients desire, and the performance characteristics timber simply can’t match. Especially as every length of ModWood is long, straight and free from faults, making it easy to install and live with.
ModWood is an ideal fit for use on commercial decks, it won’t splinter, rot, or warp and it is also termite resistant. ModWood requires no preservative maintenance, saving owners a considerable amount of time and money over the years. Our Maintenance Calculator shows you just how much. Our products are highly valued for their lower lifecycle costing.
ModWood is manufactured from recycled timbers and plastics in Australia, so it is resource responsible.
ModWood is designed to withstand our harsh conditions, having been proven in installations around the country for many years. And unlike timber, ModWood comes with quality assurance – a 10-year residential (seven year commercial) warranty to give you, the owner and the builder lasting peace of mind.
To use ModWood in your designs for residential or commercial fencing and decks in Sydney – or anywhere in Australia – locate your nearest stockist today!
When specifying please refer here.
ModWood is rated within Global Greentag